Château RAYAS Domaine
For many years people used to say that in Châteauneuf, there was RAYAS and all the rest. The other winemakers have taken inspiration from the methods used in this famous domain, but they certainly don’t have the same siliceous terroir nor the same old vines.
Having established the domaine’s pristine reputation, Jacques REYNAUD suddenly passed away one morning in January 1997. Emmanuel, his nephew, mustered up all his courage and talent to assume the daunting role of taking over the domaine. Slowly but surely he successfully established his own style, whilst never neglecting any of the key principles that contributed to the global success of Château RAYAS.
Côtes du Rhône “la Pialade”, Château de FONSALETTE White or Red, Château de FONSALETTE Red “Cuvée Syrah”, CHÂTEAUNEUF DU PAPE “PIGNAN” , CHÂTEAUNEUF RAYAS White and CHÂTEAU RAYAS Red.